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‘When You Know, You Know': Get To Know More About Margaret Qualley And Her Filmography

After the success of The Substance, Margaret Qualley, who plays the character Sue in the film, became Hollywood’s new darling, gaining more recognition from the public. Even though she has been in the film industry for a long time, a new wave of fans has emerged looking to find out more about the actress’ life and filmography! So we decided to write an article to help them on this journey.Sarah Margaret Qualley, born on October 23, 1994, is one of Hollywood’s Nepo Babies. The daughter of actress...

Indústria de jogos no Brasil cresce com jovens produtores e estúdios independentes

Quem nunca almejou trabalhar na área dos sonhos? Ou até mesmo fazer do seu hobby, uma profissão? Maxsuel Santana também compartilhava esses desejos.Apaixonado por videogames, ele é um dos muitos jovens que buscam um curso de produção de jogos, área que está em ascensão no Brasil. Hoje, Maxsuel é estudante do Senac de São Paulo e desenvolvedor da Gap Studio.
Disse o estudante, bastante animado, em frente ao estande do Senac, onde apresentava demonstrações de seus jogos durante a Brasil Game Show...

Between reality and fiction: why TV shows like "Monsters: The Case of Menendez Brothers" can create a new version of the facts

“Monsters: The Case of Menendez Brothers”, from Ryan Murphy, the same creator and producer of “Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story”, debuted on Netflix on September 19 and has since risen to the top of the streaming chart with over 10 million views. With the quick success of the series, the murder of José and Kitty Menendez was highlighted in the media thirty-five years after the incident. Internet users began to debate the case of the Menendez brothers from today’s perspective, raising questions...

“Bye Bye Bye” Is Global Top 50 On Spotify: Why Are Recent Movies Bringing Back Old Songs To The Soundtrack?

With the release of Deadpool & Wolverine in theaters, the music “Bye Bye Bye” – from the boyband ‘NSYNC, famous in the 2000s – became a trend. Maybe this fame came because of the bubblegum chorus or the fun choreography, but the fact is everyone is listening to this song right now.It’s not new that, movies that feature old songs to compose their soundtrack, end up going viral. Another film that had the same phenomenon was Anyone But You, in which the song “Unwritten” by Natasha Bedingfield – rel...

Inteligência Artificial: seu avanço e o impacto no mundo das artes

Apesar da introdução da Inteligência Artificial como ferramenta facilitadora para outras áreas, o mercado de trabalho na dublagem foi afetado negativamente em comparação ao passado dessa prática.No Brasil, o processo de regulamentação da profissão iniciou-se com a greve dos dubladores, em 1997. Após esse evento, o mercado de dublagem começou a avançar juntamente com o avanço tecnológico no decorrer dos anos, levando à inserção da Inteligência Artificial nesse universo.Com isso, debates a respeit...

Key Things Warner Should Consider Before Producing the Harry Potter Reboot

This article may contain spoilers for the “Harry Potter” saga.Following the fame of the films based on the renowned book series by J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros. decided to transform the magical universe of Harry Potter into a series scheduled to be released in 2026 on Max, where each season will follow the story of one of the books.With this announcement, fans of the saga —the entitled “Potterheads”— were thrilled, as it has always been a dream of the community to see a more comprehensive Harry Pot...

May the 4th be with you: #10 histórias do universo que você deveria conhecer para celebrar o Star Wars Day

O Star Wars Day chegou e o melhor jeito de comemorar a data é se aprofundar mais na vasta história deste universo, especialmente para quem é fã de carteirinha da saga.Mas, antes de tudo, para você que virou fã da franquia recentemente e quer saber mais sobre é importante deixar claro a diferença entre dois termos cruciais quando falamos de histórias contadas além dos filmes: o Cânone e Legends.O Cânone são todas as histórias da linha do tempo oficial de Star Wars, incluindo os seis filmes origin...

May the 4th be with you: How the 'Star Wars' franchise revolutionized the science fiction?

The sci-fi genre began to emerge at the end of the 19th century along with the futuristic imagination of how inventions arising from the Industrial Revolution could impact the world. But it was through American magazines in the following century that the name Science Fiction became popular.Although films of this genre have existed since the 1930s, their peak occurred between the 1970s and 1980s, reaching the highest box office rates in the world of cinema, reaffirming the public’s fascination wi...

The movie 'Mother’s Instinct' wasn't strong enough for me, nor for my mom

Mother’s Instinct, a dramatic film starring Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain based on Barbara Abel’s book, tells the story of Celine and Alice, two best friends – and neighbors – who live perfect lives typical of the 60s. After a tragic accident involving Celine’s son, their friendship is affected, creating a dark and insecure environment.The film begins with a photograph filled with vibrant colors and full of light, along with ambiance, correctly conveying the feeling of American society in t...

Millie Bobby Brown's latest statement: should artists consume art in order to be respected?

In an interview with the British newspaper The Sun, the actress Millie Bobby Brown – famous for her roles in Stranger Things, Enola Holmes, and Maiden, a film recently released on Netflix – revealed that she doesn’t like watching films, not even her own.According to Millie, it’s very tiring to sit for hours watching movies that people recommend. For her, this is tiring for the brain, making it difficult to focus and understand what the film is showing.This statement from the actress ended up sho...

Reddit stories: why do we seek strangers opinions?

Stories have always been embodied in human life. Narrating events has been a basic need of our species since the dawn of communication, but what in the past was an essential art for humanity to preserve different types of knowledge is no longer only used to document historical records, since it became one of the main tools we have for generating entertainment for different types of media nowadays.Listening to absurd events, whether tragic and/or with happy endings, creates some kind of interest...